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Importance of Finishing schools

Importance of Finishing schools Leading corporates in India often complaint of non-availability of ready-made expertise that suits within the process. While companies do conduct training programs, the need of a finishing school has been felt as it cuts brief precious time for employers and saves huge expenses. A Finishing school covers technical capabilities in addition to communication/Soft and problem-solving skills….

How the youth suffers from lack of skills and not unemployment

How the youth suffers from lack of skills and not unemployment By the year 2020, India will be witnessing an economic shift where 65% of the Indian population will be under 35 age mark, which will be a tremendous advantage to our country’s economy, provided necessary steps are taken, and one of the unemployment solutions in India. According to Indian…

How can you reap the benefits of Industrial Training?

What is an Industry-Requisite Training? Industry-Ready training is a period of training offered by a Finishing School, with the Trainees subjected to hands-on and practical training in the domain of modern industrial requirement. This provides a student with an opportunity to get a complete picture of the corporate sector. Why do you need an Industry- Requisite training? A short-term Industry-Ready…

‘EDGE’ to ‘EDGE – New Age Finishing School’

We are proud to announce that we have changed the name of our organization from EDGE to EDGE – New Age Finishing School. The decision to change our name is just a first step in the process of creating more opportunities for every student in his/her ambition to secure a dream job, and we also hope that we are more…