How can you reap the benefits of Industrial Training?

What is an Industry-Requisite Training?

Industry-Ready training is a period of training offered by a Finishing School, with the Trainees subjected to hands-on and practical training in the domain of modern industrial requirement. This provides a student with an opportunity to get a complete picture of the corporate sector.

Why do you need an Industry- Requisite training?

A short-term Industry-Ready training undergone by a student or a newbie for a short time after their graduation, plays a crucial role in preparing the student for a professional career. This pre-industry exposure enhances the graduate work life and helps to multiply their enthusiasm and commitment; providing a lifelong learning experience and a fantastic opportunity to get engaged with the profession of which they aspire in a realistic work environment. They also get a chance to appreciate and understand the practical application of their knowledge and skills; and also get to work with professional mentors that include work experts who can guide these newbies, and promote in building networks for their future endeavour.

Are you ready?

This Industry-Ready training helps student employment prospects even before he/she vigorously tries to secure jobs in the market. Therefore helping students to develop professional & practical skills, encouraging them to apply these acquired knowledge gathered in the theoretical area in a real-life environment is the strength of this Training programme.

With the rapidly changing pace of our job market, employees are expected to keep abreast of new technology skills & knowledge. It is also important to note that many Corporate Offices value such a Finishing School training programmes or Industry-Ready training as a new way to coach their future recruitees and plan to inculcate a tiny part of this curriculum showcasing their part of corporate social responsibility.

Preparing Industry-ready engineers.

EDGE is a premier finishing school in partnership with IIAM Vizag, envisioned to create extensively skilled and industry ready candidates. It has been generally assumed that college graduates need a better environment for preparation. So, what can be considered a better way to do this than let students experience some genuine work at EDGE – New Age Finishing School, while filling the gap simultaneously between two sensation drawing terms :- College education and Corporate sector. A simple issue is unresolved in this new era – Recruitment, on boarding and training which has become complex, difficult and strategic. In the present economic scenario landing into a job along with career growth prospects is becoming difficult because of the existing gap between prevalent skill-set & job expectations, and EDGE bridges this gap by delivering the best Training conducted by industry experts to create job ready experts.

The course has been designed and taught by some of of the magnificent industry experts who have decades of experience in managing and handling those areas with expertise. And the curriculum will be under constant updating according to the market changes. Learning directly from the experts will give the students more clearer understanding of the process than someone teaching from the material or reading forms the books.

Learn from the Job Experts:

A School with good principle is the one that trains for retainment of student rather than them being churned out. We make a number of different educational choices throughout our life. With so many vast options available to score a job in the current job market, there is a dearth of opportunities for them to choose from. The regular colleges with their traditional curriculum are becoming less ‘perfect’ for students. This includes both the four year colleges and job coaching centers. Length of the time is too long to graduate from these regular colleges and students usually end up with an outdated curriculum most of the time. Getting into them is sometimes easy and most of the times it is mind-boggling with a large waitlist for the entry of programmes at top universities, and the life of alumni becoming hell in their pursuit of a good job training centre to build their career. All these reasons waste their energy and make it extremely necessary to search for an alternative sources of education.

We regularly update the curriculum based on the industry inputs by not only focusing on the core subjects but also allow the students to learn from soft skill programmes allowing the students to learn all the necessary skills and knowledge they require for building their careers in a right way. On another note -worthy point is a student getting a chance to enrol into our training programme at any point because of our short batch intervals in commencement instead of waiting for January and September, which is the standard norm of other colleges.

Most traditional colleges or coaching centres have class sizes that are smaller comparatively. The foremost focus of our Talent Academy is job-readiness. Even if you are a pro or already hired somewhere, you can simply enrol with us to learn new skills, boost your career further. To conclude, a finishing school withIndustry-Ready training is not only a kind of educational institute but also a place where students gain industry experience, which is one of the biggest plus point of EDGE. We give you the opportunity to experience everything hands on practically and acquire all the skills needed to boost your career.

Even though much isn’t expected from freshers in a job role, when you are able to deliver desired results with less or no supervision, you will certainly become an asset to the company, and our aim is to make you ready with all the right thinking and required skills, so that you will become a prized possession, at your workplace. Obviously, companies want employees who are “Ready” to be employed. When they can find such employees who are ready, they can start reaping the benefits in less time.

‘EDGE’ New Age Finishing School acts as the missing link between the growing demands of the market and the naive student pool acting as a supportive backbone fuelling at the backend. Students at EDGE from different backgrounds continue to receive rigorous training extending their technical, managerial and leadership capabilities. Our only goal is to create highly skilled professionals for top echelons of public and private sector enterprises. Our specifically formulated Training and Internship with a partnered company not only helps the students in acquiring required skill sets but also helps them in their search of landing into their dream jobs.

We add value to your education that leads you to your success.

Our programme is designed to offer something for everyone from different walks of life. A young intern taking careful steps towards career will have an enormous learning in terms of corporate ethics protocol that will help him/her have an edge over the others.

First hand feel of industrial atmosphere is introduced even before they are recruited.

Why People are still in dire need of a job?

India produces 4Lakh engineers every year. Our viable solution fills the void between the skills of the present day graduates and requirements of the companies. This way it makes them suitable for them to work in any corporate field.

Many recruiters point fingers at the spiritless education system because of the Talent crunch that exists in the present situation. The International Labour Organisation (ILO), in a report has published about India unemployment at 18.6 million for 2018, which is higher than the 2017 18.3 million mark. On the other hand the World Bank(WB) has given India a red flag telling that India is a nation of 1.32 billion people and must create 8.1 million jobs so that employment rate is maintained.

IT technical specialist hires is expected to fall by 2019 to more than five percent. It is said that by 2021, 40 percent all IT staff will hold multiple roles being most of which will be not technology-related but business-related according to a report by Gartner. The research firm also predicts by 2020, 75 percent of all organisations will experience disruptions owing to skill gap.

All the following bad statistics of Indian employability rate is due to the misalignment between industry requirements and available resources, which is a major concern for recruiters across sectors.

How does hiring unskilled employees affect companies?

It’s not just freshmen struggling to acquire places, but the scarcity is with employers too in a range of industries and sectors expressing their concerns of not finding a skilled worker to fill their current job opening and grow their businesses.

A good company is seen as one that encourages employees who are well-ready for any role or responsibility. Ensuring employees are equipped with appropriate skills with Industry-Ready training for their roles is vital for the health and long-term viability of any organisation. This in turn gives an overall employee satisfaction to have people working in jobs that they are correct fit and well-suited for what they are doing.

Foot Note:

India’s skilled-labour shortage thwarts its great-power ambitions, because a few are sceptical about Industry-ready training such as Finishing School, as we believe “First impression is the last impression”.

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